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01/04/2018 :: In the Moscow branch passed in-club Tournament
In the Moscow branch passed in-club Tournament

On April 1, the 2-nd in-house Karate-Do Tournament (IFHKEA rules) was held in the Moscow branch.


Tournament Results:


1 place - Bolshakova Victoria, 2 place - Akman Alim, 3 place - Dolinsky Sergey.



Division 3-4 years:

1 place - Alexander Soldatenkov, 2 nd place - Dronov George, 3 place - Nikitina Polina.

Division 5-6 years:

1 place - Boretsky George, 2 place - Blazevic Gleb, 3 place - Korolev Leonid.

Division 7-8 years:

1 place - Dolinsky Sergey, 2 place - Afonina Anna, 3 place - Seregina Varvara.

Division 9-10 years:

1 place - Bolshakova Victoria, 2 place - Vostrikov Ivan, 3 place - Dolinsky Sergey.

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