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29/08/2018 :: 14 interregional sports camps in Tomsk
14 interregional sports camps in Tomsk

In the second half of August in the Tomsk region on the basis of the summer camp were the traditional 14-th training camps for Hachi-o-Kai Kan Ryu karate-do.

Within 2 weeks, the athletes spent in a difficult training mode:

every day at 7.30 am morning exercises, and then during the day 3 trainings.

Topics of classes as usual from year to year remain the same:

- General physical preparation;

- development of techniques for Kihon, Kata, Kumite;

- Kobudo (Bo jitsu-wooden pole);

-  Ju-Waza (self-defense technique).

In the evening video from the European and world Championships was shown.

Late fees exams held on the belt.

Photos of these events can be viewed on our website, in the "photo Gallery".

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